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Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions or would like to discuss options for yourself or your child. I'd love to hear from you.


Is Expressive Arts the same as Art Therapy?

The fields of Expressive Arts Therapy and Art Therapy have many overlaps but they still remain distinct practices. The summary below illustrates some of the main differences. 


Art Therapy  

-engages the unconscious 

-has an interpretive quality and is concerned with assessment  

-works with symbols  

-uses mostly visual art (as well as other modalities)  

-rooted in psychodynamic theories 


Expressive Arts Therapy  

-engages with the imagination 

-no interpretation is done on behalf of the therapist (the client may interpret their own art)  

-does not work with symbols (the client may discover reoccurring images in their art that means something to them personally) 

-always works inter-modally 

-rooted in depth psychology 




Who is Expressive Arts Therapy for?

Sessions can support anyone interested in learning more about the possibilities in life. For some children that might be support with anxiety, belonging or processing changes in their life. Or it could be an adult looking for support with family dynamics, trauma, addictions, eating disorders etc. Expressive Arts Therapy can support individuals from a variety of situations. The Expressive Arts Therapist does not diagnose, label or fix the client but supports the client's own self-discovery and understanding through this imaginative process.

In Expressive Arts we focus on the process, not the product, there is no wrong or right. Rather there is an invitation to show up, right as you are, and explore the needs and hopes of your inner and outer worlds. 

What does a session look like?

 A typical session will include a check in, some creative exploration, and a check out. Depending on the client's age and needs, a session may include grounding exercises, verbal or image-making check-in, move into creative exploration, and conclude with a check-out which might be a conversation about what occurred or questions that may remain.  It truly does depend on the client. Sessions are shaped and formed by client needs and adapt to the comfort level of the client. 


Do I need to be an artist?

No art experience is necessary. Expressive Arts Therapy is about the process, never about the product.



How long does each therapy session take?

The length of a therapy session depends on the age of the client. In my practice children typically do well with a forty-five minute to an hour session. Whereas the ninety minute session allows some teens and adults more time to enter into the creative experience. Again it is dependent on the client and their needs.

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